Saturday, January 4, 2020

Where Do We Draw The Line Between What Should And Should

Where do we draw the line between what should and should not be required curriculum taken at a university? Do we truly need to be lectured about how to be morally sound? And if the answer is yes, who is to say that these institutions are qualified to do so? I point to 1987 as an example of the corruption that can take place inside the walls of any university. In the 1980s, Southern Methodist University set up a slush fund that was designated for â€Å"recruiting† the best high school football players in the nation. After the scandal was discovered by the NCAA, the SMU program was wiped off the map for an entire year. In the thirty years since being handed the â€Å"death penalty†, SMU football has only collected a handful of winning seasons,†¦show more content†¦If nearly half of the population of a group of students report lying and cheating to be acceptable, what leads us to believe that this same group will not continue to cheat in the ethics course? Before we consider implementing mandatory classes on moral and ethical development, we need to deal with the immorality at hand first. So how do we resolve these moral issues? In chapter six of his book Our Underachieving Colleges, Derek Bok introduces us to the idea that colleges have relaxed the efforts to build good character. It may be true that there are fewer, more mild consequences associated with student’s actions, but there are many more courses on moral issues being offered than ever before. And in most cases, professional schools are much more in touch with the importance of ethics compared with undergraduate studies. Bok says that a slew of professors at the undergraduate level â€Å"rely heavily on lecturing rather than discussion† when it comes to ethical problems (147). He goes on to note that the faculty as a whole â€Å"still linger[s] about whether education of this kind is necessary† (148). I refer to the statistics from above to prove t hat the amount of cheating and dishonesty among students is only increasing. What is going to stop these future college students from continuing to cheat in a class at a university? It is not a question of if we should be doing something about it, the question isShow MoreRelatedDecision Tree1067 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis Choosing Between Options by Projecting Likely Outcomes Decision Trees are useful tools for helping you to choose between several courses of action. They provide a highly effective structure within which you can explore options, and investigate the possible outcomes of choosing those options. They also help you to form a balanced picture of the risks and rewards associated with each possible course of action. 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