Sunday, January 12, 2020

Organisation Study in Ayurveda

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION Organization is a pattern of relationship through which employees under the direction of Managers pursue their common goals. It is the study and careful application of knowledge about how people act within the organization. Organizational studies are usually conducted to gain practical knowledge about various aspects of an organization. It provides structure for this relationship to attain the goals. The organization study is similar as it reveals the effect of people collaborating as on organization, under the guidance of the higher-ups. The organizational study is an important part of our academic curriculum. This study is aimed at an opportunity to the students to observe, learn, assimilate and analysis the objectives and vision of the organization and the functioning of various departments. This study enable the student to get a practical and the real time feel of various aspects concerned with the organization and relate it to the concepts and theories studied so far in the class room. This studies would help the future manages to face the challenges lying ahead.Organization studies primarily focus to get a corporate exposure in understanding more about the organization and it’s functioning as whole. It upholds the close scrutiny of the market conditions prevalent as well as ongoing competition that reveals the pinnacle at which the organization has strived to accomplish over this time span. Since Ayuveda is gaining importance in our day today life, a detailed study of an organization manufacturing and marketing is apt in its own sense. Hence the organization study was taken up at MVM Ayurvedic research lab; a well defined industry in ayurvedic preparations situated a stone throw from Kollam. . 1 OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the study are; 1. To study about the structure of various departments in the organization. 2. To know the functioning of each of the departments. 3. To get a clear idea about product a nd production process 4. To understand the strengths and weakness of the organization . 5. To know the attitude of customers and the public towards the organization. 6. To analyze the origin and growth of the organization. 7. To know the position of the organization in the Ayurveda industry. 1. 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge.In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation once can also define research as a science and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research is, thus an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. For conducting the organizational study both primary and secondary data are used. * Primary Data * Interview with managers, office staff and workers. * Observations. * * Secondary Data * Data collected from reports of the firm and company websites. * Data collected from catalogues, broachers and internet. * Data collected from ayurvedic jour nals, magazine etc. 1. 3 SCOPE The organization study was conducted in MVM Pooyappally, 11k. m from Kottarakkara. The study place more emphasis on the process that takes place in various departments in MVM. Organization structure and management of various department of MVM are taken for the purpose of study. Sufficient attempt has been taken to cover almost all the facets of this organization and to understand the complex of factors that are functioning within this organization. 1. 4 LIMITATING FACTORS 1. Time bound study for the completion 2. Financial constraints 3. Non availability of confidential matters of the company 4.Lack of precision due to the biasing of the responds 2. 5 Chapterisation Chapter 1 – Includes the introduction, objectives, research methodology, and limitation of the study. Chapter 2 –This chapter deals with industry profile Chapter 3 –It includes history of company, vision, mission, and product profile of MVM Ayurvedic Reseach Lab. Chapte r 4 –It describes structure of the departments and functions of the departments. Chapter 5 –This chapter contains the details regarding the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and political, economical, social, technological, environmental, and legal aspects.Chapter 6 –This deals with findings, suggestions and conclusions. Chapter 2 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE ABOUT AYURVEDA Ayurveda is the oldest Indian indigenous medicine system, probably with its roots in the Indus Civilization. In the Vedic period, the osadhisukta of the Rig-Veda is the oldest documented knowledge about plants and herbal medicines. The term Ayus means duration or span of life, Veda means unimpeachable knowledge. The common translation of the Ayurveda is science of life. The earlier recorded knowledge about ayurveda is found in the Rig-Veda and the Atharvaveda, both of the second millennium BC. he Atharvaveda lists eight divisions of ayurveda; internal medicine surgery of head and neck, ophthalmology, surgery, toxicology, psychiatry, pediatrics, gerontology or science of rejuvenation and the science of fertility. According to philosophical concepts on which ayurveda is based, all bodies-material, living, conscious and unconscious- are evolved out of prakriti by the subtle influence of the purusa, the absolute or the primal self conscious principle and every component of the human organism is created out of the tathvas as evolved out of the prakrti.In ayurvedic medicine, health is defined as soundless of Sarrira, Manas and Athma. Each of these must be nurtured if the individual is to have good health. Ayurveda is basically a humoural medical system and conceives of three essential humours. The three humours are Vata, Pita; Kapha occasionally in the surgical tradition a fourth humour-blood was also added. A STUDY ON AYURVEDA Ayurveda is the ‘’knowledge or science of life’’. According to Charaka, the ancient physician-sage, life i s a unified state of the physical body, the cognitive organs, Mind and the soul, thus signifying a living being.Ayurvedic deals with the maintenance of health and relief from disease. Susruta, another physician-stage of early times, Defines the healthy state thus: ‘A person whose somatic and psychic humors are In equilibrium, digestion is uniformly healthy, with normal functioning of the Fundamental tissues of the body and body wastes, accompanied by the processes of the soul and cognitive organs. This is said to be a healthy person. The primary position given to humoral equilibrium indicates its importance in maintaining health . any disequilibrium is considered to lead to disease.Health is the physiological maintenance of all the functions of living being, while disease is the disturbance in the physiology. The contemporary practice of ayurveda is based on the several hundreds volumes of classical treatise and on the officials formulatory and pharmacopoeia. REVIVAL OF AYURVE DA During the 500 years of foreign domination of India, Ayurveda was held in ridicule, and it withered. But the invisible spirit of this life science survived and thrived. Today, Ayurveda has caught the attention of the people the world over both laymen and professionals.The major credit for reviving and spreading the message of Ayurveda in the 20th century goes to the KottakkalAryaVaidasala and its founder Vaidyaratnam P. S. Varier. Called the ‘’Saviour of ayurveda in the south’, he was the first man in south India to organize the treatment of patients under the Ayurvedic system. He pioneered the production of Ayurvedic medicines on modern lines, and ensured that Ayurveda occupied. It has a rightful place among the country’s major medical system. Inspired by the zeal, vision and human compassion of its great founder, Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala carried on with its noble mission.It sailed smoothly through two World Wars, the Great Depression of the thirties and several natural calamities and political upheavals. Today, it has grown. In to a mighty organization unparallel in South India the services of the Arya Vaidya Sala reach its patients through a nation wide network of 14 branches and more than 1000 retail distributors that market its 500-odd formulations. Thousands of patients visit Kottakel every year, seeking succour at the healing hands of Arya Vaidya Sala. Ailing people from the West European, Arabian, and American and Far East countries also approach the institution.Ayurvedic /Ayurveda Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine from India that provides guidance regarding food and lifestyle so that healthy people can stay healthy and those with health challenges can improve their health. There is several aspects to Ayurveda that are quite unique; * Its recommendations will often be different for each person regarding which food and which lifestyle they should follow in order to be completely healthy. This is due to its use of a constitutional model. *Everything in Ayurveda is validated by observation, inquiry, direct examination and knowledge derived from the ancient text. It understands that there are energetic forces that influence nature and human beings. These forces are called the Tridoshas. * Ayurveda sees a strong connection between the mind and body. Ayurveda the Indian system of nature cure Life is a combination of the body, senses, the mind and the Alma. They cannot be separated from each other and none can be neglected. From this combination ensures Ayur- the span of life. Ayurveda- the science of life is the knowledge of this association and of how to maintain it as long as possible. Ayus- means knowledge.This system of medicine evolved around 600 BC in India. Ayurveda is known to promote positive health, natural beauty and long life. Ayuveda believes that human beings and nature should be in perfect harmony and that disease occurs when the equilibrium between these two is disrupted. Restorat ion of this fundamental balance, through the use of nature and its product is the main goal of this medical system. The concept is not just curing bodily ailments but also preventing it. Ayurvedic treatments are person specific rather than disorder specific.The age of the patient, the climate in which he lives, his cultural and social surroundings and his bodily constitution are taken into account before offering a prognosis. Touch, inspection and interrogation are the main tools of diagnosis. Then the physician emphasizes a regimen of diet with the use of herbal medicines. Herbs are used to eliminate excesses and strengthen deficiencies. Their primary action is to stimulate particular organic functions. Thus ayurveda aims to solve many health problems; only through the adjustment of diet-so there are no distressing side effects.Such an approach has proven effective over the centuries and has today become an internationally acclaimed form of healing, rejuvenation and healthy living. Ayurveda is all about the science of holistic healing and it involves a complete plan to achieve the perfect health for all individuals. Despite the fact that it originated thousands of years ago, ayurveda is equally pertinent in the current scientific world. And Kerala has played a vital role in keeping the magic of Ayurveda alive. Ayurvedic health packages are an integral part of tourist activities carried out in the state.Another aspect about the important role of Ayurveda in Kerala is that Kerala’s fair climate and richness in resources make it the perfect destination for a soothing Ayurvedic massage and other traditional actions here. All these massages are readily available at our resort at attractive prices that will surprise you once you compare them to others. Our treatments include relaxing body to face massages that will add to the glow on your body as well as on your soul and will leave you to look absolutely stunning. These treatments are all done with expert ha nds to achieve better customer satisfaction.You can be rest assured that all these treatments, massages and other ayurvedic measures will satisfy you to your heart’s content and leave a smile on your face so much that you will crave for more!!! Health Rejuvenation Treatment The Kerala Ayurvedic Health Rejuvenation program that we offer will drive away all physical suffering, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues, revitalizing the body, increasing memory power, improving vigor and vitality and make oneself physically and mentally fit.This is done through a process of  cleansing by employing special medicated oil massages, Dhara/Kizhi, medicated steam bath and a rational combination of medicines to correct the functions of body and mind. This reduces overweight and mental tension, enhances body complexion and skin luster, correct s metabolism and deficiency and recharges the mind and body. Therapeutic Treatment There are no proper treatment in other systems of medicines like allopathic for diseases such as Arthritis, Spondylitis, Lumbago, Slip Disc, Frozen Shoulder, Stress & Strain, and Sciatica etc.A variety of result-proven procedures are available in Ayurveda namely Pizhichil, Njavarakishi, Abhayangam, Sirodhara, Elakizhi etc. for treating these problems. PIZHICHIL It is a relaxing, soothing and rejuvenating treatment with medicated warm oil used in a continuous stream for a definite period for the whole body (excluding head & neck). It is used to effectively treat arthritis, ageing, general weakness, paralysis etc. ‘Pizhichil’ and ‘Sarvangadhara’ are technically the same. ’Pizhichil’ literally means ‘squeezing’.Here, warm medicated oil is squeezed over the patient’s body from a piece of cloth that is periodically dipped in a vessel containing th e oil. In Sarvangadhara, oil is poured over the patient’s body from pitchers. Pizhichil requires a lesser quantity of oil when compared to Sarvangadhara. Before beginning Pizhichil, a suitable type of oil should be applied to the head and body of the patient. In some cases, a talam is also applied on the head and bandaged with leaves. The masseur usually begin by squeezing oil on to the shoulders and then down the hands of the patient who sits in an upright position. Each masseur uses on hand to pour the oil hile massaging with the other. Pizhichil is recommended for diseases caused by a vitiation of the Vata humour-Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia), paralysis and muscle spasms – and other degenerative diseases that affect the muscles. NJAVARAKIZHI' It is a whole body massage using medicated milk-porridge made into a bundle. It is an immuno-enhancing rejuvenation therapy and is made use of in convalescence period of injury and trauma, muscular wasting, arthritis, general weakne ss, paralysis etc. SIRODHARA It is a unique treatment where specific medicated oils are used to bathe the head in a regular stream for a definite period.It is an effective therapy for mental relaxation and cures insomnia, stress, depression, decreased mental agility etc. When medicated buttermilk replaces oil (sneha), the therapy is called Takradhara. If medicated milk is used instead of medicated oil, then the process is called. SHIROVASTHI It is considered more of a palliative (Shamana) treatment than an eliminative (Shodhana) one. The treatment is usually preceded by oleation (Snehana) and sudation (Swedana) a leather sleeve of about six to eight inches in length is placed on the shaven head of the patient and a band (vartti) tied around the forehead to keep it in place.Kneaded dough is used to line the inside of this sleeve and ensure that it does not leak. Oil is then poured into the sleeve and allowed to remain on the head for a while. The oil commonly used is Ksheerabala or D hanwantaram. The length of time the oil should be kept there is determined by the severity of the disease. Usually it is up to fifty minutes for diseases caused by severe Vata disorders. This treatment is prescribed for disorders like facial paralysis, cataract, deafness, earache, insomnia and other diseases that afflict the cranial nerves. ABHYANGAMIt is otherwise known as Uzhichil where medicated oil is used to massage the body with specific implications to the 107 vital points (marmas) of the body. It helps to give better circulation, muscular tone, mental tranquility and better health maintenance. ELAKIZHI It is an innovative classical massage with medicated leaves and is used to tackle joint pain, muscle cramps, stress and arthritis. Basics of Ayurveda In Ayurveda, living beings are supposed to be created and composed of five eternal substance namely space, air, fire, water and earth and three humors nd seven basic tissues. Disease is understood as an imbalance between the body ’s three humors. The three humors are Vata Pitta and Kapha. Vata consists of the predominance of air and space, Pitta consists of the predominance of Agni and Kapha is predominant of water. These three humors are present in tissues and doshas. The seven basic tissues or Sapta Dhatu are Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi, and Shukra. As soon as food is taken, it is digested and Saara and Mala are produced. Mala means sweat, urine, faeces, nasal discharge, eye and ear discharges and so on.The three humors move from one part of the body to another part and produces sound health, happiness, good complexion, resistance against disease and decay and physical strength. But if they are excited or vitiated they not only produce disease but also degeneration of the body. Vata (Air) The activities and movements of the body and basic emotion are governed by Vata. The main functions are to give motion to the body and the conduction of impulses from sensory organs and separation of Rasa, Kit ta from the body, the secretion and evacuation of urine and semen.It is responsible for speech, tactile sensation, hearing and basic emotions. It is also responsible for the formulation and development of foetus in intrauterine life. When Vata is deranged or vitiated, it produces psychosomatic disorder and thereby loss of weight, loss of biological and physical strength causing congenital deformities. Types and Sites of Vata According to the functions and the site of activity, Vata is of 5 types. 1. Prana 2. Udana 3. Vyana 4. Apana 5. Samana Prana vayu is located in the head, nose, tongue and the cheast. Its most important function is to control the mind and the respiratory activity.Udana Vayu is situated in umbilical region, chest and neck and is responsible for the Vocal functions. Samana Vayu is situated in the stomach and duodenum is responsible for the digestion of food material and separation of waste products. The regulation of body temperature, composition of body fluids and movement of Kapha and Pitta are also its important functions. Vyana Vayu is mainly situated in the heart and travels all over the body, regulates the circulation of blood and also the movement of the body. Apana Vayu is mainly situated in the intestines, rectum and the urinary bladder.Its main functions are secretion and evacuation of urine, semen, regulation of menstrual flow and expulsion of foetus and faeces. Pitta (Bile) The Pitta is blue and yellow in colour, liquid; light, viscous, acrid, sour in taste, fleshy and unpleasant in smell, hot to touch. It is the byproduct of blood. It imparts colour to the blood, promotes digestion, vision and is responsible for intellectual functions in the body. It is mainly responsible for the production of body heat, appetite, thirst, complexion, intelligence and courage. AYURVRDIC MEDICINE INDUSTRY IN INDIASeveral thousand companies in India produce Ayurvedic medicines, but most of them are quite small, including numerous neighborhood pharma cies that compound ingredients to make their own remedies. It is estimated that the total value of products from the entire Ayurvedic production in India is on the order of one billion dollars. Less than a dozen major companies have dominated the industry for decades, joined recently by few others that have followed their lead, so that there are today 30 companies doing a million dollars or more per year in business to meet the growing demand for Ayurvedic medicine.The products of these companies are included within the broad category of â€Å"Fast Moving Consumer Goods†. Most of the larger Ayurvedic medicine suppliers provide materials other than Ayurvedic internal medicines, particularly in the areas of foods and toiletries where there may be some overlap with Ayurveda, such as having traditional herbal ingredients in the composition of toiletries. Tulsi has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for its diverse healing properties. It is mentioned by Charaka in the Ch araka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text.Tulsi is considered to be an adaptive balancing different processes in the body, and helpful for adapting to stress. Marked by its strong aroma and astringent taste, it is regarded in Ayurveda as a kind of â€Å"elixir of life† and believed to promote longevity. The key suppliers in Ayurveda are Dabur, Baidyanath and Zandu, which together have about 85% of Indians domestic market. Various writers mention these and a handful of other companies repeatedly about the Ayurvedic business in India; a brief description is provided for them, arranged here from oldest to newest.Dabur India Ltd. India’s largest Ayurvedic medicines supplier and the fourth largest producer of FMCG. It was established in 1884, and had grown to a business level in 2003 of about 650 million dollars per year, through only a fraction of that is involved with Ayurvedic medicines. Last year, about 15% of sales volume was pharmaceuticals; the remaining 85% were most ly non-medicine items such as foods and cosmetics Daburs Ayurvedic Specialties Division has over 260 medicines for treating a range of ailments and body conditions from common cold to chronic paralysis.These materials constitute only 7% of Daburs total revenue. Dabur Chyawanprash has market share of 70% and chewable Hajmola Digestive Tablets has an 88% share. Other major products are Dabur Amla Hair Oil, Vatika and Lal Dant Manjan. Sri Baidyanath Ayurvedic Bhawan Ltd. Baidyanath was founded in 1917 in Calcutta, and specializes in Ayurvedic medicines, through it has recently expanded into the FMCG sector with cosmetic and hair care products; one of its International products in Shikakai (soap pod) Shampoo.Baidyanath has a sales volume of About 350 million dollars, but most of the products sales are in the cosmetic range. The company reports having over 700 ayurvedic products made at 10 manufacturing centers, With 1,600 employees. Included items are herbal Teas, patent medicines, mass age oil and Chawanprash. Zandu Pharmaceutical Works It was incorporated in Bombay in 1919, named after and 18th century Ayurvedic. The company focuses primarily on ayurvedic Products. However, today Zandu has chemicals division and cosmetics division.Its total sales volume is about 45 million dollars. One of its current projects is to develop a dopamine drug for a plant extract, applying for new drugs status in the U. S. Himalaya Drug Company Himalaya was established in 1934 in Banglore. It currently has a business level about 500 million dollars and has a U. S. distribution division. It is known in the U. S for the product Liv-52, marketed as a liver protector and therapy for liver diseases like vital hepatitis; the product was first marketed in India in 1955. Charak PharmaceuticalsCharak was founded in 1947, and currently has three distribution centers in India; it produces liquid, tablets and veterinary supplies. It has gained a large advantage with its new product Evanova, a pre paration containing 33 herbs and minerals and non-hormonal active ingredients used as menopause treatment alternatives to HRT. Soya is one of the main ingredients used in this product. The product also contains Ayurvedic herbs that act like selective estrogen receptor modulators as well as asparagus root, which reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Vicco LaboratoriesVICCO Laboratories was established in 1958. I t mainly produces topical therapies based on Ayurveda and is based on Ayurveda and is best known internationally for its toothpaste product, Vajradanti, which has been marketed in the U. S for more than 25 years. Emami Group Emami was founded in 1974, provides a diverse range of products, doing 110 million dollars of both business annually, through only a portion is involved with Ayurvedic product, through its Himani line; the company is mainly involved with toiletries and cosmetics, but also provides Chyawanprash and other health products.Aimil Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Incorporated in 1984 and engaged in manufacturing and sale of both generic and proprietary Ayurvedic medicines, with a business level about 20 million dollars annually. Its wide range of Ayurvedic herbal formulations, covering most therapeutic segments, was honored by the Indian government’s National Award for Quality Herbal preparations and National Award for R ; D in the year 2002. It is known for its proprietary formulas for hepatitis, diabetes, menstrual disorders, digestive disorders and urinary diseases. Several small companies that have grown rapidly in recent years envision hemselves as primary players in the Ayurvedic market. As an example, Viswakeerthy Ayurvedic medicines in India. Viswkeerthy Ayurvedic Pharmacy was founded by Dr. K. Mohammadkutty a great friend of Nature and Ayurveda. Started in 1977, as a fledging pharmacy, viswakeerthy today is one of the largest manufactures of Ayurvedic Medicines with a formidable presence all over Kerala. The dynamic lead ership of Dr. K. M. Kutty, complemented by the energetic drive of his team of young enthusiastic professionals has taken viswkeerthy Ayurvedic Pharmacy to new heights.The philosophy behind the inception was to â€Å"serve Humanity through Ayurveda- the Authentic Way† by propagating and practicing genuine Ayurveda and producing quality Ayurvedic medicines. Today, this philosophy has taken Viswakeerthy to new heights of Ayurvedic excellence. Realizing the importance of standardization of medicines and the modernization of production, Viswakeerthy took the significant step of updating the technology of the existing pharmacy and establishing a sophisticated private limited company, Viswkeerthy Herbals Pvt. Ltd at Kalpakanchery, Malappuram District of Kerala. Chapter -3COMPANY PROFILE Brief History The M. V. M organization was started in 1991 as a sole proprietorship of Mr. K. M BABU. During the preliminary stages the firm was producing only General medicines. Manivaidhyan is the father of K. M BABU, he had a hospital and he was an efficient Doctor. This unit was not profitable in its initial stages. The proprietor realizes the reasons for the failure and re-oriented the business. They decided to introduce a new product called â€Å"Krishnathulasi cough syrup†. The management formulated some new marketing techniques like giving more importance to advertisement.As a result, the sales turnover went up and the firm becomes profit. The name MVM is derived from the names of their beloved father Mani Vaidhyan. Mr. K. M Babu, the managing director is the backbone of the organization. The initial invest of the company was only 6 lakhs. The company commenced its commercial production during 1993 and with a short span it has grown into dominant establishment. The company could provide employment to more than 70 persons directly and they also provide opportunity to the distributors. After the manufacture of cough syrup the company developed one more product call ed â€Å"Krishnathulasi hair tonic’’. he company markets its products to different gulf counties through distributors. The company has scored a 100% growth rate with its innovative product range and drug category license are awaited from different countries. The company achieved the standard of ISO 9002 certification from well-reputed international agencies. All the machineries keep the GMP standard and are based on the latest technology and gives high performance and least wastages. The introduction of most modern equipments and implementation of high quality standards helps to stand in a par with international standard. COMPANY PROFILEFrom a dream seen by a visionary, Mr. K. M Babu, MVM has come a long way. Originating from a small makeshift research and developed center and Clinic, the first product hit the market. From such a humble beginning to research to the level of one of the Kerala’s largest Company has been a saga of dedication, commitment and applic ation. Today krishnathulasi has established an overwhelming presence across the globe with a vast range of products and services in Ayurvedic sector. The company has recorded a phenomenal growth rate during the current year while totaling the sales more than Rs 5 core.Moreover strategically sound marketing sense and techniques, employed by a talent pool of professional has seen to the increasing presence of the company’s products in the shop shelves around the world. The company has a full-fledged R;D facility where original research work is done on various divisions are headed by doctorate holders with long experience in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Photochemistry etc†¦ The company has also initiated a scheme for the cultivation of the spices described in the famous Hothouse Malabaricus, the renowned 17th century work.A large number of these spices are lost or unidentifiable today. The objective is to identity those presumed lost and create a biological environment suita ble for the spices for the benefit of the future generation. Vision The company has an inspiring and ambitious vision for future growth. The vision targets the systematic popularization of Ayurveda so that by every human being shall use Ayuveda at least for meeting a part of his or her general health care needs. Mission The company is vowed to explore the vast Indian flora to bring out life saving herbal preparations with no side effects and 100% efficacy.The dedication with a missionary zeal and enthusiasm Mr. K. M Babu and his team of ayuvedic research are succeeding in curing diseases which other systems of medicines presumed incurable. Utmost purity and superlative standards are maintained by conscientious research and strict quality control measures for the people to enjoy the benefits of traditional ayurveda medicines. Product profile ETHICAL PRODUCTS OTC PRODUCTS Ethical Products Arishtams Choornams Kashayams Kuzhambus Lehyams Thailams OTC Products Krishnathulasi cough syrups Krishnathulasi hair tonic OTC PRODUCTS Krishnathulasi cough syrupKrishnathulasi cough syrup is the age-old, natural way of cough relief. A blend of 100% herbal ingredients, Krishnathulasi Cough syrup contains no sedatives or steroids and is free from any side effects. Raw materials used The main raw materials used in krishnathulasi cough syrups are Cardamom, Clove Ginger, Glucose, Kamtakari, Pepper, Sugar, Thulasi leaves, Vasaka, Yashtimadhu etc Dosage: Adults 1-2 teaspoons 4-6 times daily Children below 2 years: ? teaspoon 3-4 times daily Children 2-6 years: 1 teaspoon 3-4 times daily Children 6-12 years: 1-2 teaspoon 3-4 times daily Krishnathulasi hair tonicHair Tonic is a highly effective remedy for falling hair and premature graying. Use it and rejuvenate your hair from the root up. Raw materials The important raw materials used for the preparation of hair tonic are Amla, Brahmic, Cocooil, Kattarvazha, Kayyonni, Keizharmelli, Lemmon Dosage and Direction Apply on the scalp befor e every bath ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Organizational structure is a basic framework within which the managers decision making behaviors takes place. Structure basically deals with relationships. The structure of a system is the arrangement of its subsystems and components at a given moment of time.Organization structure can be viewed as established pattern of relationships among the components of the organization. it refers to the differentiation and integration of activities and authority, role and relationships in the organization. It is the pattern in which various parts or components are interrelated or interconnected and also shows the relationships among various activities and position. Since various persons hold these positions, the structure is the relationship among people in the organization. Organization structure is set forth initially by the design of the major components or subsystem.It is the patterning of these relationships with some degree of permanency, which is r eferred to as Organization structure. Role of organization structure Organization structure is capable of serving many functions at the same time but cannot serve all the functions equally well over unlimited time. Structure created for one purpose may not serve other purpose well. Therefore, it is important for managers to determine the outcomes desired from organization structure; and to match the organization with changing needs. ORGANISATION CHART Chapter-4 DEPARTMENT PROFILE unctional departments * administrative department * research and development department * purchase department * production department * stores department * marketing department * finance department * human resource department PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Administrative department is considered to be the brain of every concern. It sets the goals and objectives to be accomplished and formulate plans and decision. The administrative Officer Mr. Mohanan Nair heads this department in MVM and is suppor ted by assistant administrative officer.There are other two office assists working as subordinate assistant administrative officer. At mvm, the administrative departments’ looks after the personnel management function also. Around 70 workers are employed in the organization including 50 workers and 20 office staffs. The office hours in the company starts at 10 am and finishes at 5. 30 pm. while the factory hour is from 8. 30 am to 5. 30 pm. It is obvious that there exists strong industrial relation with in the organization. Both the officers and workers are free to communicate with the managing director about their problems and suggestions.Hence it is clear that an open door policy of communication is followed. The general body meeting of the organization is conducted once in every two months and management review meeting is conducted weekly. The management gives adequate weight age to employees’ suggestions in the meeting. The workers also have adequate participation in the decision making process. So they are more loyal to the company and no trade unions are followed to grow with in the concern. The company is undertaking various welfare measures to ensure safety and security to the workers. Both monetary and non-monetary benefits are offered to them.The facilities such as medical allowances, canteen facilities etc are enjoyed by the employees. In case of any overtime work, extra charges and transport facilities are made available to the workers. The organization follows a time rate system of wage payment. They pay remuneration to the workers on monthly basis. As production is carried out under strict supervision, it does not give rise to idle time. Since the administrative department undertakes the functions of personal department also, they manage the recruitment, selection and training of personnel. Selection of candidates is made through interviews and on-the job training.Following are the expenses met by the Company * Raw material cost * M anufacturing expenses * Labor cost * Selling expenses * Administrative expenses Recruitment and selection In MVM recruitment of new employees were selected from the candidate by advertisement is released in newspaper. This department has to analyze each job to determine the nature of work, the necessary qualification, required training etc. Selection process Most of the companies follow different process of selects a person. Following are the important process of selection. * Screening of application * Interview Final selection * Inviting application * Performance Appraisal Performances of the employees are appraised on the basis of their commitment toward the work, their regular attendance and the quality of work done. For the Performance appraisal following factors are included; * Job knowledge * Efficiency * Achievement of target * Co-operative * Communication * Organizing ability * Leadership * Judgment * Physical and Mental stamina * Discipline * Attendance * Punctuality * Moti vation * Integrity Financial benefits Company provides various financial assistance for its workforce.It includes educational benefits for family members and financial benefits incase of emergency situation. Fringe benefits They provide Employment provident fund to their employees and also provides bonus to their employees. The following benefits are * Traveling allowances * Annual leaves * Compensation leave * Medical benefits Grievance handling In MVM if an employee is not satisfied with the decision of the head of the department we can approach straight the general manager. Again if he is not satisfied with the decision of the general manager he can approach to the managing director.Wages and Salary Administration * The wages of employee consist of basic wages, dearness allowances, provident fund, Incentives and bonus. The salary is fixed to the office staff and wages are paid to the workers. * Salary is fixed according to the seniority and positions of the employees. * Wages are paid according to the minimum wages act to the workers. * Company also provides additional bonus and long term incentives. * The company is also providing medical care facilities etc RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The R;D department is well equipped to carry out any type of research in the field of ayurveda.Research department is the core area for MVM as all products are developed there under the keen supervision of Dr. Vincent. Mrs. Leelamma Babu is the chief of R;D department. Under R;D department there are five departments- Department of Pharmacology, Dept. of Quality control Dept. of Chemistry and Dept. of Botany. Dept of Chemistry has two divisions- Dept of Biochemistry and Dept. of Analytical Chemistry. Each these sub departments has two assistants. The department of Quality control and Pharmaceutics are followed by two assistants. All the product of MVM is the output of this department.All the products are 100% natured ayurvedic formulation. The official declaration and recognition of MVM is another noticeable achievement added to the crown of the Company. PURCHASE DEPARTMENT The purchase departments make all purchase for the company. The purchasing function has emerged as a specialized organizational activity. His success of the purchasing department depends upon the quality of the inputs and also upon the ability of the purchasing department personnel to analyze the inputs to the fullest extent. Mr. Isac is the head of purchase department. He has an assistant manager followed by two assistants.The company makes all the purchases only after obtaining purchase requisition from the stores department. Purchase department has appropriate store coding for all of its raw materials and for packing materials. Cartoons and wrappers are purchased on job order basis. Packing materials are purchased from Sivakasi in Tamilnadu and plant was purchased from Thankasi. Most of the raw materials are purchased from outside Kerala, especially from Tamilnadu. Some ar e cultivated in the Company’s own garden. Purchase are made both on cash and credit basis, the suppliers usually give thirty or more days to make payments.PROCEDURE The stores department generate purchase indent when the stock level maintained at the store reaches the reorder level. The purchase indent is handed over; with this purchase order materials are reorder. Goods inward note is prepared based on the incoming materials. Quality check is conducted on the incoming material to check whether the material stand up to the standard stipulated under the acceptable norms. Then they will prepare store inward note. According to the requirement of the production department the materials are issued. R;D Request Purchase DeptStores Purchase Indent Materials Receives Stores AcceptReject PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT This department is headed by the production manager –Mr. Vinodh and immediately followed by the production manager. The production supervisor and packing supervisors is su bordinate to the assistant manager and they are assisted by production assistant and packing assistant respectively. There are separate workers for both production and packing. The various products manufactured are subject to inspection by the quality inspector t ensuring that they are up to the standard.The plant is equipped with modern machineries and operations are organized under the watchful eyes of talented physicians and health scientists. Production and manufacturing facilities are fully geared for the mass production of Ayurvedic medicines in strict adherence to ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. Incorporation of modern technology for mass production, upholding traditional value, makes the facilities a well-integrated synthesis of tradition and modernity. The Company's manufacturing operations are mechanized to a large extent by making further contributions by way of hygiene, accuracy and speed.There are nearly 50 workers, both male and female, working under production and packi ng section respectively. These workers are paid on monthly basis. For any overtime work, extra charges are paid and transport facilities are also provided. Other facilities such as canteen are also provided to the workers. Production Process * . Raw material Verification * . Pulverization * Grinding * Boiling * Continuous staring of materials * Finishing * Packing MAINTENANCE WING Maintenance is very important to extend the useful life of an asset. maintenance has not only to reduce scheduled stoppage time but attempt to void unscheduled stoppages and breakdowns by frequent performance checking, testing and providing inspection and skillful repair when required to ensure better service, availability and reliability. The effectiveness of production is highly dependant on the quality of maintenances service facility. For the proper maintenance and repair of plant and machinery, a separate maintenance wing functions under the control of General Manager. The principal objectives of this wing; * Is to maximize the availability and reliability of assets. * To extend the useful life of assets by minimizing wear and tear and deterioration. to ensure operational readiness of all equipment required for emergency use at all times * To ensure safety of personnel using facilities. This wing includes fitter, electrician and plumber. This wing carries out both preventive maintenance and breakdown maintenance. Preventive maintenance is done as and when required. With the permission of General Manager, outside agencies are considered for special cases and paid separately. PACKING SECTION Packing is defined as the general group of activities in product planning, which involve designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.There is a separate section for the packing of the products. Manufacturing date, expiry date etc is printed on the wrappers. In India, they use different language targeting different states. Important decisions regarding packing and labeling is taken by top management. STORES DEPARTMENTS The success of every business depends to a large extent on the efficient storage and material control. As all the activities in any organization cannot be carried out at one point of time, storage is an inevitable process. Stores department shall check the material received and confirm that the material supplied meets all purchase order chart condition.Stores department is under the control of purchase manager followed by store manager, then storekeeper. The storekeeper looks after the various activities related to the store-keeping department. They are keeping minimum stock to every product. They are keeping 200 cases of Krishnathulasi cough syrup as minimum and in the case of hair tonic, they keep 100 cases. Purchase manager stores manager stores keeper MARKETING DEPARTMENTS The modern market is consumer oriented market and it deals with customers. A satisfied customer is a good advertiser of that product. So customer satisfaction is ve ry important.Marketing department is the nerve system of MVM. Marketing manager Mr. Vinodh manages the function of this department with the assistance of area sales manager and assistant marketing manager. Area sales manager is intended to control the external marketing functions and the assistant manager controls the internal functions of marketing. The sales officer follows the area sales manager and assistant marketing manager and sales representative is the immediate subordinate of Sales Officer. The main function of this department is to ensure uninterrupted distribution of products to the customers.It makes a market study with the help of out side agencies to know the demand for their respective products and supply is made accordingly. Now they are ready to market new products. Their main product Krishnathulasi cough syrup is supplied to almost every state within India. The company has successfully exported to Malaysia, Singapore and other gulf countries and is aiming to tap t he market of USA. all the distribution activities are done with the help of distributors, their main agece are Monark Internationals and Star exporters. They were gave 10-12% commission to the wholesalers.ADVERTISEMENT POLICY TV, Radio and News papers are the main modes of advertisement. They will spend more than 1crore per year for the advertisement activities. MVM has the policy of direct advertisement; there is no agency for it. Distributing Agency Agencies around Kerala The main agencies of MVM around Kerala are * Indian Drug House –Trivandrum * AB Agency,A&Associates-Kollam * Rose Pharma-Kochi * Sydha agencies-Kozhikodu Outside Agencies The outside agencies are * Kottakkel-bombay * Vivek traders-Maglore PROCEDURES FOLLOWING FOR A NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Step – 1 Market analysisMarket analysis is a process including the evaluation of the existing market condition in order to find out the nature and trend of the market. It is the best way to find out the strength an d weakness of the close competitors and it is very easy to identify the procedures which are of very powerful and useful to compete and to be one of the successful companies in the industry. Market analysis is the best way to tackle with the customer’s tastes and preferences. It will help the firm in order to launch the production in a very conducive environment, and it is very important for the better survival of the company.Market analysis helps the company in order to find out whether there is any similar type of product or where there is any product which is existing in the market which can be of offer tight competition with our products. Step – 2 Fixing of affordable price (Pricing) A firm whether it is a new firm or an already existing firm, the main target of the firm is the objective that is the maximization of profit. It is possible only by boosting of sales towards the maximum extent and which should be cash sales and with ultimately carefully settled price w ith an intelligence analytical decision.Pricing is exactly the main sensible area of business operation, because any decision whether it is favorable for the organization or not favorable for the organization it is having a very deep impact on the close survival of the company. Whether the price settled is of lesser than the anticipated price or the price of the competitors the product will some time will be accepted but the ultimate result for the firm will be of negative and a huge loss is the final result.If the price settled is considerable higher than the price of the competitors the product will summarily be rejected in the market, because there is plenty of choice for the customers to go for considerably lesser cost project with a required quality. Hence decision regarding the pricing of the product is very important and the price so fixed should be very reasonable and affordable by the customers. This kind of decision is only possible by a close analysis of the market. The b est way analysis and comparison of the prices, the product which of substitutable character with our product or having the products ith same quality or same character. Step -3 Availability of potential distributors The success of a particular product is lying on the clear cut distribution. There should be potential distributed must be there in order to promote proper distribution and clearance of goods from the go down of the firm. There should be prompt payment should ensure on the part of the distributor. In order for the better survival of the product in the general market. The way to find out a better distributor is on the shoulders of the potential marketing departments through efficient marketing executives.Step – 4 Reaching of the final consumer through the retailer The success of new product is that point at which it is received by the consumer and when the product is accepted by the end user. Here the actual role is playing by the sales executives and selling departm ent. Retailer so selected must be of having the potentiality to market the product with so care and ability. The sales executives must paid clear attention on the after distribution follow-up, because exhibiting the product on the vicinity of the consumer is paying a crucial part for the movement of the goods in the highly competitive industry.FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance is considered as the life blood of every business. Hence finance department has significant importance in business organization. In this organization, finance Director- Mrs. Licy controls finance department. The accountant is subordinate to the Director and Accounts Manager assists him. The accounts Manager is immediately followed by three assistants who help in carrying out the functioning of the department. The main function of the department is to manage the available finance efficiently and to keep the books of accounts up to date.It is evident from the records that the company has made an interesting tendency in profit percentage and the turnover for the year 2007-2008 was around Rs. 6 crore. The company uses both owned and borrowed fund. Corporate bank provides the main source of borrowed fund. They also have a good forienexchange record by export in their product. Internal audit is done during the years in the organization. Cost per bottle Cost of cough syrup-24. 90 Cost of Hair tonic-79 Chapter-5 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS 5. 1 SWOT ANALYSIS Strength 1. Peaceful atmosphere is maintained in the company. 2. There is no trade union in the company. . No chance of strikes and disputes inside the organization. 4. Workers participation in decision making process. 5. Both the workers and employees are sincere and loyal to the company. 6. The employees are satisfied with their working environment. 7. Less labour turnover. 8. R& D department plays an important role in the growth of the organization. 9. The company has diversified range of products. 10 The products of MVM have a good brand image. Weakne ss 1. Some of the raw materials are brought from different parts of India . 2. Most of the customers were unaware about the classical products. 3.Lack of advertisements in other states. 4. Sales promotion measures for classical products are less compared to other types of products. OPPURTUNITIES 1. The company had a greater opportunity to expand their brand in more nations. 2. Because of wide variety of products the company is expected to be more successful. 3. Fast growing market. 4. Globalization. THREATS 1. Fast growing technology 2. Competitors have stronger brand names. 3. Allopathic treatment gives fast relief compared to ayurveda. Chapter-6 FINDINGS, SUGGETIONS AND CONCLUSION 6. 1 FINDINGS * The management and employees maintains a good relationship. The employees were satisfied with their working environment. * The employees are remunerated with time rate system. * There is no trade union in the organization. * The company has a full-fledged R&D department. * The company giv es utmost importance to product quality. * Good services for the customers. 6. 2 SUGGESTIONS * Purchasing raw materials from outside is very expensive so, it would be more economical if they arrange it by themselves. * Should give more importance to advertisement. * Packing of the products should be made more attractive. * They should expand their product line Conduct market surveys for identifying the customer needs 6. 3 CONCLUSION The study had been carried out to analyze the functioning of various departments. It helps me to understand the functions of various departments of the organization. The company is managed by professionally qualified and experienced team of managers and staffs. The company was established under the name and style of MVM in 1992. MVM achieve greater heights during the past two decades in ayurveda. Today MVM Herbal India has established an overwhelming presence across the globe with a vast range of products and services in Ayurvedic sector.The company is a foot to forge ahead with the soul intention of ensuring harmony of body, mind and soul. The company has an inspiring and ambitious vision for future growth. BIBLIOGRAPHY * Chabra T. N, Human Resource Management – Dhanapat Rai &Company private limited,NewDelhi,2003. * Panday IM, Financial management-Vikas Publishing House private Limited,NewDelhi,2004 * Prasad LM ,principle &practices of Mgt, Sultan Chand and sons publications,NewDelhi 2004 * Department Files * Annual reports * Company Website

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