Friday, December 27, 2019

Its Only Natural Essay - 1478 Words

It is only natural that human beings have always been fascinated in what makes them who they are and what characteristics of themselves set them apart from other people. Behaviorists on the other hand believe there is nothing more in where they grew up because their theory is human nature can be completely understood by the laws intrinsic in the innate environment. Psychologists influence one another and trigger theories for additional experimentation. Some psychologists do not care about other’s theories while some battle other’s theories. Not many scientists believe the behaviorist theory is as encompassing as it once was thought to be. One cannot completely dismiss the outcome the environment has on behavior neither the function it†¦show more content†¦Some debate that ones environment is responsible for mental capabilities; therefore, alcoholism could be from ones environment or biologically passed. For instance, John Does parent is an alcoholic and noticed the heavy drinking consumed at parties. This could steer John Doe to an altered mental, emotional, and physical condition (biological factors). As teenagers develop they are subjected to mixed messages and peer pressure. Teenagers will experiment to see what they like and do not like. For the teenagers that opt out, they are likely to be harassed, tormented, and even bullied, thus causing them to withdraw from social interaction and form introversion. In this section, three main points will be discussed on how evolutionary, biological-genetic, and environmental factors have an effect on the development of an aggressive personality. First, peer relationships especially during middle school can influence in the development of aggression. The failure or success rate of developing peer friendships during adolescence is a direct indication of the learning that is identified with early parent and child interaction. Consequently, the individual stages from birth through adolescence are like building blocks. It is essential that each block is just as strong as the last one because it has to support the next block (stage). This means if a child has a positive sense of worth then the childs mood is expected to be friendly, thus interactionsShow MoreRelatedBreyers Ice Cream Product Swot1672 Words   |  7 Pagesmade with all natural ingredients. Whether you are enjoying Breyers all natural vanilla ice cream with birthday cake, having your f avorite pie al a mode or just having your favorite flavor in a cup or cone it is undeniable that nothing is better than indulging into a sweet craving with Breyers. Breyers has been creating smiles and fulfilling family traditions for over 140 years. 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