Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Elderly Abuse Should Not Be Taken Lightly - 944 Words

Introduction/ Statement of the Problem Do you love your grandparents? If the answer to that question is yes, then I know you would hate for them to have to deal with any kind of abuse. Elderly abuse is a growing problem in America whether you want to believe it or not and your grandparents may fall victim to it. In 2025, those 65 and older will account for 1.2 billion of the world’s population (WHO, 2002). With that, there are going to be a lot of elderly people who will have to be sent to establishments, such as private homes or residential care facilities. Senior abuse should not be taken lightly. A lot of elderly people males and female’s aged 65 and older have encountered some manifestation of misuse whether it is physical, sexual, psychological, or neglect. As reported to the WHO, 36 % of nursing staff have witnessed a minimum of one incident of physical abuse to an elderly patient, 10% confessed to committing one act of corporal abuse, and 40% acknowledged they me ntally abused patients (2002). These accounts of abusing the elderly are such traumatic issues that this causes more than just a problem for the elderly who are being victimized, but also their families. There is no official measureable documentation on the predominance of senior abuse (Elder maltreatment, 2010; Elder abuse, 2005). Therefore these numerous meanings of elder abuse that contributes to the challenge of developing accurate accounts of elderly abuse. As referenced by the National CenterShow MoreRelatedHospital And The Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility1594 Words   |  7 Pageseducation for their employees. It was determined that proper education or inadequate education of the staff will affect patient care and the facility’s revenue. 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