Saturday, February 22, 2020

Two Service Companies Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Two Service Companies - Coursework Example Operations design choices refers to decisions made by a company’s management concerning the type of process arrangement that is best in provision of services. These processes include value chain assimilation, technology capacity, service capacity, outsourcing, and facility inventory. On the other hand, infrastructure as a strategy includes non-process features, such as, company staffs, learning, operating plans, control services, quality control, compensation system, and innovation services (Evans and collier, 83). That said, Facebook as an online service provider that is simple involved in enhancing our social lives has operations design choices as the major area of concentration. This is because to manage a company such as facebook, it takes very advanced technological knowledge and inventions. Moreover, considering the number of people using facebook, the amount of data exchanged and information communicated, the service capacity need to be expanded and upgraded now and the n to meet this need. The need for the right infrastructure in eBay, a multinational online auction for goods and Services Company, outweighs the need for the right design choices. This is because, unlike facebook, eBay is involved in provision of good. Therefore, there is need for a quality control framework to ensure the quality of goods provided to customers is not compromised. The company also requires a workforce that finds the clients as well as the consumers. Finally, suppliers and customers of eBay need to be assured on the safety of their money, therefore, the company should have a sound compensation system (Evans and collier, 84). In conclusion, it is clear that Hill’s strategy development framework is an important aspect in any business in need of substantial development. Facebook and eBay are among many other companies that would greatly transform by incorporation of Hill’s strategy

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Foreign direct investment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Foreign direct investment - Assignment Example Foreign direct investment involves acquisition of managerial control in a company. The threshold of this form of ownership is 10% or more in UK. This varies across countries. With the liberalization of the various global economies in Africa and Asia this form of investment has grown considerably. Foreign direct investment (FDI) facilitates the interaction of two firms and economies with varying economic differences. The foreign investors invest their funds with a long term perspective to exploit the cheap labour costs, strategic advantages, rich natural resources, market etc of another economy. In short this form of investment involves investing within the firm but outside the region. Importance of FDI This form of investment provides the necessary capital required by some developing economies which might be difficult to generate through domestic means. Besides the financial resources the foreign direct investment also provides the opportunity to make use of sophisticated and latest technology. It has been seen that the companies with no prior experience face problems in the import of such technology as this is deemed to be risky as well as expensive. With time FDI imparts a number of benefits to the host country that was hitherto not available. This includes upgrading of industrial operations, transferring of advanced technology, training the labour force, introduction of developed methods of accounting & modern management, developing the trading and finance related networks and up gradation of telecommunication related services. In sectors like services FDI uplifts the competitive strength of the host country by increasing the productivity of financial resources.